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Man is one proof of the existence of God. The creation of a human begins with the fertilization of the ovum by sperm in the womb for nine months and finally becomes the perfect human being born in the world to be greeted by the baby's cry. Later, this baby will be the successor of the future milestones of Islamic struggle. God makes man the most perfect being because God gives reason as a tool for thinking. It is with this reason that man can determine what is good and bad.
Besides, God also conferred to man in the form of conscience. So there is a sense of affection among humans, although different sex, race, race, and religion. All these things do not become a barrier to love each other. With a conscience, man will always do good without feeling self-interest. If affection begins to grow, then God will also love us. Regarding this matter, Rasulullah SAW said:
عن عبد الله بن عمر قال قال رسول الله الراحمون يرحمهم الرحمن ارحموا
From 'Abdillah ibn Umar RA said: Rasulullah SAW said: those who love will be loved by Ar Rahman, affectionate to anyone on earth, undoubtedly Who in the heavens will love you. [1]
Islam is a religion that teaches compassion toward others. Love is not only to express our fellow Muslims, non-Muslims also need to be loved and loved. Even not only limited to humans, but to animals, plants, and all the creatures that exist in this universe.
God with the nature of Rahman and His womb exemplifies how to love and care for His creatures. Allah gives rizki to all creatures, even ants that are in the hole though. The nature of Rahman has a very wide meaning of God's Grace covering everything in this Nature that is given to all beings without exception [2] . While the nature of the womb will only be given to servants who believe only when the end of the day.
Rasulullah SAW as a human choice and as a role model for his people also exemplify megenai nature of affection. He loves all his friends do not see from the background that they have. He also respects people of different faiths with him. Therefore, Allah calls Prophet Muhammad SAW as rahmatan lil 'alamin . In the Qur'an surah al Anbiya: 107 Allah says:
"And we have not sent thee (muhammad) but to be a mercy unto all nature."
The point in this verse that explains that Prophet Muhammad (s) as rahmatan lil alamin is Allah sent the Prophet Muhammad to spread a peaceful religion of Islam, love each other and teach the good. Others argue that Allah created the Prophet Muhammad as a mercy for all people. Someone who gets this grace and is grateful then he will get happiness in the afterlife. As for those who reject and deny this mercy he will be wretched. [3]
            Islam as a religion that rahmatan lil 'alamin certainly emphasizes the behavior to respect among human beings. We recognize the term tolerance in everyday life. Tolerance itself has the meaning of being or being tolerant (appreciating, allowing allowance) of opinion (opinions, views, beliefs, habits, behavior and so on) that are different and contrary to one's own opinion. [4]
Tolerance is very important to be empowered in religious communities in Indonesia. Given Indonesia is a multicultural nation and has a different religion. To realize harmony among religious people, we need a sense of mutual respect (tolerance). When non-Muslims are worshiping we should not harass them. Let them do what they do.
The teaching in Islam itself states that we are required to respect the opinions of others. However, today there is a group of people who are in the name of Islam saying that those who disagree with them must be eliminated from the face of this earth. We need to be careful of such things, so as not to be influenced by radical ideas.
Actually in a relationship with non Muslims we must know about the boundaries. No Muslim should be more familiar to his non-Muslim brother than his Muslim brother. There are some things we need to consider in making friends with non Muslims, including:
  • If they are not hostile to us, then we can be friends with him
  • Must not be too familiar beyond the familiarity of fellow Muslims
  • Making friends only for the benefit of the world
The benefit of self-tolerance is the existence of a peaceful and peaceful life, no overlap in society. With tolerance we are trained to respect the beliefs or opinions of others. Togetherness will manifest and cause a sense of affection among others.
Islam is very concerned about human relationships. Because Islam knows that humans are social beings who need to interact in their lives. However, humans also need to choose a good friend and can lead him to a straight path. Therefore, Islam organizes everything in a rule contained in the Qur'an and Hadith.
Sufficient as a Muslim, we apply tolerance in our daily lives. Starting from the small scope of the family and penetrated into a large scope of this world. Tolerance is characteristic of the Islamic religion that teaches us to respect each other's beliefs or opinions. Thus, it will manifest the function of the Islamic religion that is as rahmatan lil 'alamin.

[1] [ HR. Tirmidhi No.1847 ] Abu 'Isa says that this hadeeth is a hasan shahih.
[2] Shaykh ibn al-shalih al utsaimin, Qowa'idul mutsla
[3] Tafsir ibnu katsir, interpret the meaning of muhammad as rahmatan lil 'alamin
  The major Indonesian dictionary (KBBI)


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Apa perbedaan dan persamaan antara Santri, Abangan, dan Priyayi beserta contohnya

  Persamaan    Santri, Abangan, dan Priyayi adalah mereka sama-sama beragama Islam dan menyembah kepada Allah swt dan melaksanakan ibadah yang mereka yakini.   Perbedaan: Abangan Tradisi islam abangan masih sangat kental dengan kepercayaan terhadap animisme dan dinamisme. Upacara-upacara keagamaan masih sering dilakukan dalam lingkungan masyarakatnya. Mereka tahu kapan harus slametan, upacara kematian, upacara kandungan, bahkan mengetahui makana apa yang harus di persiapkan dalam pelaksanaa upaca keagamaan. [1]